Roofing Contractors Network
3638 Green Meadow Ln.
Flower Mound, Texas 75022
Phone: 817.430.1615
Email: Email Us
Supervision of Entire Project
- Hold pre-bid meeting to ensure that all bidders understand the full scope of the project.
- Collect and submit sealed bids to the property owner.
- Conduct preconstruction meeting onsite with the contractor and owner’s representative outlining schedule and details.
- Site visits through out the project. This time is spent verifying materials, workmanship, representing the owner, performing inspections and communicating with the contractor.

- Ensures quality of workmanship
- Ensures details are finished
- Provides coordination between owner and contractor, ensures clear communication
- Allows owner to delegate project management responsibilities
* Built Up Roofs (BUR): Aggregated & Aluminized Surfaced * Modified Bitumen Systems: Modified / BUR Hybrid Systems Granulated and Smooth Surface Tapered Insulation Systems * Metal Roofs: Energy Star Elastomeric Systems * Single Plys: TPO PVC EPDM * Roof & Leak Repair: Waterproofing Caulking Walls & Windows
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