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Roof Systems
- Metal Roofs
- Energy Star
- Elastomeric Systems
- Built Up Roofs (BUR)
- Aggregated &
Aluminized Surfaced - Tapered Insulation
- Modified Bitumen Systems
- Modified / BUR Hybrid Systems
- Granulated and Smooth Surface
- Maintenance and Restoration
- Reflective Roof Coatings
- Cool Roof Coatings
- Energy Saving Roof Coatings
- Single Ply Roofs
Roofing Contractors Network
3638 Green Meadow Ln.
Flower Mound, Texas 75022
Phone: 817.430.1615
Email: Email Us

Metal Roof Repair - Restore Leaking Metal Roof
The most common problem associated with metal roof systems are roof leaks. A leaking metal roof is usually traced to improper design or construction methods. Our Roofing Contractors can identify and repair all leaking metal roofs. We provide multiple roof repair bids for your project.
Call for a Roof Repair Quote Today!

Add 20 Years to the life of your roof.
Save thousands of dollars by Restoring your Leaking Metal Roof.
Elastomeric Coating Restoration
You can add 10 or more years to your metal roof with a metal roof restoration system. Metal expands and contracts backing out fasteners, neoprene washers become brittle causing them to fail, and rust can form weakening the panel. Our Metal Roof Contractors use our custom specifications designed to repair, restore and bring your metal roof to as good as new or better.

Benefits of Elastomeric Metal Roof Coating:
- Reduce energy costs
- Stops roof leaks
- Slow the aging process
- Decrease future maintenance cost
- Lower cost than a full roof metal roof replacement
Reflectivity and Energy Savings of a Metal Roof
The solar reflectivity of metal roofs depends on the color of the finish. Elastomeric coatings provide the highest reflectivity and are a very popular option for building owners.
White roof coatings can reflect up to 90% of the heat from the sun.
Metal Roof Projects:
10 Year Warranty
Metal Roof and Skylight Restoration
Energy Star Rated Metal Roof System
This roof had extreme leaking conditions due to improper repair attempts to open seams, leaking ridge caps, and flashings. There were leaking skylights due to failed skylight repairs. The skylights were also coated creating a very dangerous "fall through" situation. The metal R panels of the roof were oxidized and cracking.
The restoration project involved cleaning and removing all oxidation and rusted areas, sealing all joints, laps, seams, fasteners and penetrations and restoring the skylights. The final step in restoring the Metal Roof consisted of spray applying an Elastomeric Energy Saving Roof Coating.
10 Year Warranty
Standing Seam Metal Roof Restoration
Saved owner over $300,000 in replacement cost
This metal roof had extreme leaking conditions. Previous repairs used Urethane Foam and Asphalt, which had cracked and leaked. Our inspection also identified extensive and numerous out of service equipment deteriorating on the roof.
This Metal Roof Restoration Project involved removing all out of service equipment, replacing metal deck panels, cleaning and removing all rusted areas, and sealing all joints, laps, seams, fasteners and penetrations. The final step in restoring the metal roof consisted of two coats of Elastomeric Energy Star Rated Roof Coating.
The new Energy Star Rated Roof System roof now provides exceptional energy savings and a long-term roof life. This system has a 10 Year NDL Manufacturer's Warranty. Implementing the specifications to restore the existing roof saved the owner over $300K in replacement costs and gave them an additional 20 years more service life to their roof.
10 Year Warranty
Elastomeric Metal Roof Restoration
Detailed prep work is essential for a successful project.
The Metal Section was your typical neglected metal roof with leaks at the seams, joints, fasteners and edge enclosures with slight rusting and oxidizing of the original surface of the metal.
The success of a metal roof restoration project is in the amount of detail work you preform prior to the application of the spray coating. Our crews start with power washing the roof. Then they meticulously seal every seam, tighten every screw and reinforce and repair all damaged metal prior to the first application of coating.
This Metal Roof received an Elastomeric Restoration and has a 10 Year Material and Labor Warranty.